Ai assisted content review for government

A second set of eyes ready at a click of a button! Leverage a new Ai tool that will help with vetting content compliance. Perfect for contributors and content publishers alike.

people in office with computers and desks

Start Your Journey with Ai

1. Initial contact

Reach out to request a demonstration of the Ai article style checker

2. Make payment

Cover the first payment so that things can start moving

3. Get started

Get to work and start entering your content to be checked


4. Support requests

If you need support, please don't hesitate to reach out


I'm not a business, can I use this tool?

We are only offering this tool to government and business entities at this time.

To register to use this software and contact us for the service setup, you need to use an email address issued by an Australian Government entity e.g. (State government) or

Do you have a subscription/invoice arrangement available?

Yes, generally a monthly or annual billing arrangement is the preferred method of payment. This allows interaction between client and customer over time where the best support client can be offered.

Is this tool difficult to use, or do I need to setup or host anything?


The tool will use a very simple methodology of "do one thing, and do it well".


There will generally be no setup needed for the customer to perform, the tool can be usually be used from the day of the first invoice payment. If there are additional requests for customisation, these can be added in due course, depending on customer preference.


Council Words is setup in a similar way to a SaaS tool, the customer will not need to host the application and a specific instance and URL is provided.

Are you open to customisation of the tool for our needs?

Yes. Please make contact via for a discussion around your needs.

Once payment is made, if you would like to have a customized URL pointing to the tool for internal office use around branding, please make this known in initial interactions or at a later date as necessary; it may also be necessary to involve your DNS host supplier.

Is there a video or demonstration of the tool I can see?

Generally it only requires a screenshare and walk through for the demonstration.

You may request an online demonstration of the tool as it only takes a couple of minutes via MS Teams or other conferencing tool depending on preferences.

There is no video demo currently, but if there is enough demand for one it is likely to be created at some point.

Does the Ai tool use any Style Guides, spell checks, grammar?

Yes. The Ai article style checker uses the known Australian Government Style Guide's that are part of the current Ai model in use.

Additional limited specific Style Guides, or specifics of those guides, can be added to the tool to help the Ai interactions align with your State or Council requirements.

The tool checks spelling and grammar for Australian English.